Brown University
Campus Design & Construction Standards / Providence, RI
As one of our country’s leading institutions of higher education, Brown University is constantly growing, evolving, and developing. Located in the heart of the city of Providence’s national historic districts, the Brown Campus is bound on all sides and within by important neighborhoods and sensitive architecture heritage. In order to keep pace with the College’s nationally recognized education, research, and economic goals, Brown’s Facilities Management Group needs flexibility, efficiency, and precision to adapt and expand the College’s buildings, grounds, facilities, and utilities.
WDG was retained to research and create Civil /Site /Utility /Landscape Design and Construction Standards for the entire Brown University Campus. This volume of Design and Construction Standards will give the University “off-the-shelf” designs for a large majority of their facility enhancement, expansion and maintenance needs. Immediate cost savings are recognized by eliminating the need to hire designers for standardized endeavors. Time is saved and communication enhanced by using the Standards as the anchor and reference point for virtually every campus improvement project.